Thursday, January 15, 2015

New Years Resolutions

It's still January - and I want to make new years resolutions! I've been thinking about these ones:

  1. Read 1 book per month. Which may be few, but i would be a lot more than last year. 
  2. Cleanse my face properly at night. Lately I've become lazy and haven't been cleansing my face the way I used to do it.
  3. Save money. Because of reasons.
  4. Do exercise. 3 times a week. My mom bought a new stationary bicycle. And I want to do blogilates again (which I only lasted a month...). 
Only four- four simple ones. But I'm keeping it simple so I can fulfill them. So far I've started reading Gone Girl. But with my niece at home I haven't read a page in days. 

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