Thursday, August 14, 2014

My makeup bag

Last month, my mom gave me for my birthday a big bag. I’m the type of girl that used to think that those kind of bags weren’t for me. But one day, she lent me her bag and I discovered the magic of them. I can put inside whatever I want! The possibility is unimaginable.
So now that I use one I can put inside a makeup bag! Also – I never retouch my makeup and barely redo my lipstick but I love having the option to do it.
This is what I carry on my bag. 

First of all - The little bag is a Clinique free gift with purchase. Which I love because it has the perfect size. Not too big and not too small.
Inside I have:
  1. Lipstick: whichever of my top 3
  2. Retractable brush.
  3. MAC Blotting Powder: It is obviously matte and doesn’t make your face look cakey when you apply it.
  4. Hand Sanitizer: because if I am going to touch my face with my bare hands I want them clean.
  5. Skin Food Fresh Fruit Lip & Cheek  in peach. I love the shade of pink of it.
I don’t have that much, because in reality I don’t know what else I need. Like I said – I never retouch my makeup.  I look up to those girls that always have lipstick on because I am too forgetful to redo it.

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