Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Supreme Henna Hair Dye

Whenever I tell people I dye my hair with henna they all look me as if I were some kind of hippie. I only started dying my hair last year and I love it. I am not willing to compromise into a more aggressive hair dye because a) my hair is too thin and can’t handle it b) I am to lazy to retouch it.
The benefits of henna are plenty - it makes the hair stronger and more resilient to damage and breakage. Two things that I need! It’s important to specify: henna will not make your hair lighter. On your base color it will give it a reddish tone. You can lighten your hair with natural teas like chamomile.
I’ve used 2 kinds. One that I bought in Mexico and the one of the picture that my mom bought me in an Asian market in USA.  The second one – the one I review, is the better one. This one comes with 5 packages and with each one you have to put 5 tablespoons of water (I used chamomile tea for the lightening effects).

Like I said – I used chamomile with my mix for the lightening effect. I prefer using the real one, but I didn’t have on hand so I used tea bags. I let it boil and simmer for 10-15 minutes. I used a large spoon (from DQ) and a bowl that I wouldn’t mind throwing out. This mix is more on the runny type. The other one I’ve used is like a paste, very difficult to apply.
My mom is my personal stylist. She helped me putting the mix evenly. I recommend using a shirt that you wouldn’t mind stain. The box said to leave the henna for 30 minutes but I leaved mine for 1 hour. Next time I’ll leave it more time. Then you rinse it on the shower. What I like from this mix is that it doesn’t have the strong henna smell as the others (maybe it’s not that natural after all) and is so smooth to apply and easy to rinse. I hate the texture of the paste, because when it dries it feels “sandy” on the hair and it’s so disgusting to rinse.  Also – for the shower I recommend using dark towels because you will stain them. The first couple of washes I can’t use light cloth because I will stain them.
The before and after. Obviously it’s “redder”. My mom says that this time is more noticeable. Like I said before, henna won’t lighten your hair; it will work on your current tone. I really like the shine it gives my hair and that is so easy to apply and rinse - so I’ll continue to buy this brand.

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